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Helpful Information on Gum Disease

Avoid Decay to Your Teeth and Gums by Consulting With Us

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial to ensuring your gums remain healthy and strong, and thus be able to support your teeth. If you've been experiencing sharp pain, swelling or bleeding of your gums, don't hesitate to reach out to the dentists at Staffordshire Dental Group P.A.
Periodontal Disease
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Learn More About Periodontal Disease

Q. What is periodontal disease?
A. Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth. It begins when the bacteria in plaque (the sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on your teeth) causes the gums to become inflamed. Gingivitis is the mildest form of the disease. In this stage, the gums redden, swell, and bleed easily. There is usually little or no discomfort. If this disease progresses, it can affect multiple teeth.

Q. What causes gum disease?
A. As previously mentioned, plaque is recognized as the primary cause of gum disease. If neglected by not brushing and flossing, it hardens into a rough, porous substance called calculus (also known as tartar). The bacteria present in the plaque releases toxins which can irritate the gums. These toxins destroy the fibers that hold the gums tightly to the teeth, creating periodontal pockets that get filled with additional toxins and bacteria. As the disease progresses, these pockets become deeper and the bacteria moves down and eventually destroys the bone that holds the tooth in place. Eventually, severe infection may develop, accompanied by pain and swelling. The tooth may loosen and later require removal.

Other factors exist, too. Smokers and tobacco users are at a higher risk of developing gum disease. Changing hormone levels in pubescent teenagers and women who are pregnant can also increase the risk. Stress, clenching or grinding your teeth, an unhealthy diet, and diabetes can increase your chances of developing gum disease as well. In some cases, it’s in your genes — nearly 30% of the human population is genetically predisposed to gum disease.

Q. How is it treated?
A. In the early stages of gum disease, the treatment mostly involves scaling and root planing, special types of cleaning methods which remove plaque and tartar around the tooth and smoothen the root surface. Antibiotics or antimicrobials may be used to supplement the effects of scaling and root planing. In most cases of gum disease in the early stage, scaling, root planing, and proper daily cleaning will definitely help mitigate the effects.

More advanced cases may require surgical treatment, which involves cutting the gums — sometimes with a laser — to remove the hardened plaque deposits and then recontouring the damaged bone. This procedure is also designed to smoothen the root surface and reposition the gum tissue, so it'll be easier to clean.

Q. How can I take care of my gums at home?
A. Adhering to a maintenance program is crucial for patients who want to benefit from periodontal therapy. You should visit the dentist every three to four months (or more frequently, depending on the patient) for spot scaling and root planing, along with an overall examination. Between visits, brush at least twice a day and floss daily.

Q. How can I prevent gum disease?
A. Removing plaque by brushing, flossing, and professional cleaning is the best way to minimize the risk of developing gum disease. You must also avoid harmful activities like smoking, unhealthy diet, grinding your teeth, and so forth. Request your dentist to create a personalized program for home oral care that will meet your needs.
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