CEREC Crowns and Onlays

CEREC Crown and Onlay Services

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Serving You Since 1983

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CEREC Crowns and Onlays for Your Smile

A healthy, radiant smile matters. You can trust Staffordshire Dental Group P.A. We offer a full range of dental restoration options including CEREC crowns and onlays.

CEREC offers innovative solutions to restore your smile. We work with the best products to ensure you have options for the dental care you need. With our advanced technology and expert care, we can transform your dental experience and meet your oral health needs.

Don't hesitate to address your dental problems. Reach out to us today!

The Benefits of CEREC Crowns and Onlays

Choosing CEREC crowns and onlays for your dental care comes with a wealth of benefits:

  • High-quality ceramic restorations crafted with precision and accuracy
  • Elimination of temporary restorations, offering a complete solution in just one appointment
  • Reduction in dental visits, saving you time and hassle
  • Long-lasting restorations that provide durability and functionality
  • Minimal invasiveness, preserving more of your natural tooth structure and promoting overall oral health

Experience these benefits for yourself. Get in touch with Staffordshire Dental Group to see if restoring your smile with CEREC is a good option.

A Local Dental Team You Trust

Our commitment to providing exceptional dental care goes beyond our innovative services. We believe in creating a dental experience that caters to your unique needs and exceeds your expectations. Here's why you should choose us:

  • In practice for over 40 years
  • Serving the Voorhees Township, NJ community since 1983
  • Variety of dental services, from dental crowns and bridges to veneers and dental bonding
  • Local, family-owned business
  • Named New Jersey's Top Dentist
  • Evening hours and emergency visits to accommodate your busy schedule
  • Works with major insurance companies
  • Compassionate, patient-centered care

Are you ready to revolutionize your dental care? Contact our team at Staffordshire Dental Group today.

Get in Touch for CEREC Crowns and Onlays

We're here to help you achieve the smile you've always wanted at Staffordshire Dental Group. Whether you're interested in CEREC crowns or onlays, we're ready to provide the care you need. Reach out to us today and let's start your journey to a healthier, brighter smile.

Information On Our Dental Restoration Products

  • Dental Crowns

    Dental crowns are used to strengthen and improve the shape, size, or color of teeth. They can support broken or weak teeth or those with large fillings; provide a smooth, strong, attractively contoured surface for stained, misshapen, or otherwise abnormal teeth; and aid in the implantation of bridges and other implants. 

    Dental restorations restore the function, integrity, and morphology of missing tooth structures, which can be caused by caries or external trauma, such as chipping or cracking a tooth. Fabrication of a crown (a type of dental restoration) usually requires two dental visits. The first visit involves an examination of the tooth to determine how it should be restored and the preparation of the tooth for the restoration. This visit may include a core build-up (sometimes requiring a post), fabrication of a temporary crown, and making an impression to be sent to the laboratory. The second visit usually involves the delivery of the final restoration, which has been fabricated in the laboratory. In some offices that have access to specialized equipment, the dentist may be able to perform the entire crown procedure on the same day. 

    What is a crown?

    A crown is a restoration that covers (or caps) a tooth to restore it to its normal shape and size, which can strengthen and improve the appearance of the tooth. Crowns are necessary when a tooth has been damaged significantly and cannot be adequately restored with a filling. A crown can protect a weak tooth from fracturing. It also can prevent a cracked tooth from further damage. Crowns can cover discolored or misshapen teeth for more aesthetically pleasing smiles. 

    What is a post and core build-up?

    The dentist may use a filling material to restore a more ideal shape for supporting a crown (core build-up) when a tooth is severely decayed or fractured and lacks sufficient tooth structure. In some cases, a dentist will first perform a root canal, a procedure in which pulp is cleared out of the tooth and the canal is sealed with a special material. After the root canal, the dentist may place a post in the open canal and secure it with dental filling to build up the structure of the tooth. Once the material has hardened, the tooth can be prepared for a crown. 

    Will a crown look natural?

    It can, depending on the type of crown you elect to have made. A crown can be fabricated from porcelain, from gold, or from a combination of porcelain and metal. A crown can look just like a natural tooth when it is made with porcelain coverage. Numerous factors are considered when determining the crown material that is best for your particular tooth, including the color, bite, shape, space, and location of the tooth in your mouth. 

    How should I care for my teeth after I receive a crown?

    To prevent damaging or fracturing the crown, avoid chewing extremely hard foods and ice. You also should avoid grinding or clenching your teeth. In addition to brushing twice a day and visiting your dentist regularly, cleaning between your teeth is essential if you have crowns. Use floss or interdental cleaners (specially shaped brushes and sticks) to remove plaque from the crown area where the gum meets the tooth. This process helps to prevent both dental decay and gum disease. 

    What do I do if I’m still confused about these procedures? 

    If you are still unclear about the process of placing a crown or a post and core build-up, speak to your dentist. Your dentist can walk you through the steps of the procedures and address any questions or concerns you may have. It is important to have these types of conversations with your dentist so that your journey to an improved smile doesn’t start or end with a frown.

  • Dental Bridges

    Dental bridges are natural-looking tooth replacements that help maintain facial structure, reduce stress on the jaw, and fill in the gaps caused by missing teeth. Fixed bridges are cemented to the existing teeth and do not come out. The procedure for a bridge is similar to getting a crown. The teeth next to the space a reduced in size and then an impression is taken and sent to a lab. The permanent bridge is fabricated at the lab and then returned to the office approximately two weeks later. At the delivery appointment, the temporary bridge is removed and the permanent bridge is tried in and cemented. Homecare instructions are given at this appointment to ensure the patient continues to clean around the bridge in order to get the bridge to last as long as possible.

  • Veneers

    Veneers are porcelain covers that are cemented to the front of the tooth to improve the aesthetics of chipped, stained, or malformed teeth. They can be done with either no removal of tooth structure or removal of very minimal tooth structure depending on the individual case. An impression is taken of the teeth and sent to a laboratory where the veneers are fabricated according to the patient's wish of size, shape, and color. Once they are returned from the laboratory, they are put in place experimentally to gauge the fit and aesthetics. If they look and feel acceptable, then they are cemented to the tooth.


    LUMINEERS BY CERINATE is a terrific cosmetic solution for permanently stained, chipped, discolored, or misaligned teeth. It can even revitalize old crowns and bridgework. LUMINEERS BY CERINATE are porcelain veneers that can be made as thin as a contact lens and are placed over existing teeth without requiring painful removal of sensitive tooth structure (unlike traditional veneers.) A variety of shades are available in order for the patient to select the shade of their choosing. 

  • Dental Bonding

    Dental bonding can improve the appearance of chipped, broken, cracked, and stained teeth by filling in spaces between teeth. Dentists apply a thin layer of tooth-colored composite resin to the teeth to restore chips and cracks, fill in gaps or cover stains, and provide patients with a more attractive and functional smile.


Get Ready to Smile

Call now to talk about CEREC crowns and onlays with an experienced dental team

(856) 627-3400

(856) 627-3400

The best dentist and group you will ever go to.

- Lori M. via Google

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